All men shave, and you may or may not do it daily. To look your best, it is essential to use a good razor. Although most individuals realize that a straight razor delivers the best results, they are extremely scared to use this piece of shaving equipment. It is important to put things into perspective and to break the negative stigma that comes from using a straight razor. Even though you may be afraid of cutting your face, you should learn the reasons why this tool should be a part of your grooming arsenal. Today, I will discuss 5 quick reasons not to be afraid of shaving with a straight razor.
1. Less Irritation
Straight razors are quite sharp and only use one blade. Most disposable razors have multiple blades. Even though you may see commercials that claim this provides the ultimate shave, a straight razor offers even better results. You only need one solid blade to get through your facial hair. Multiple blades can pull and cause severe irritation, especially on your neck and chin regions. Since every stroke involves numerous blades being dragged along your face, the increased friction creates more irritation than the movement of a single blade and can lead to razor burn or ingrown hairs.
2. Most Straight Razors are Forgiving
The truth is that using a straight razor or shavette type razor is just as dangerous as shaving with a disposable razor. Although it is possible to cut yourself, it will most likely be no worse than a paper cut if you take short and gentle passes. There is rarely heavy bleeding or complications. However, it is important to relax while using a straight razor. You should not be shaking, nervous, or over confident when starting out.
To avoid cuts, it is wise to learn the proper way to use this type of razor and how to prepare for a shaving experience. Shaving with a straight razor will take time. It is smart to consider the weight of the blade so that you know how much pressure to apply. Naturally, a lighter blade will require a heavier hand. There is also some consideration needed on the blade size because they are not all created equal. Most start off straight razor shaving with a 4/8 or 5/8 size. You can also try to experiment with a 6/8 size after you have practiced a half dozen or so shaves.
Before touching the blade to your face, you should soften your skin and open your pores. Taking a hot shower and applying a shaving gel will allow for the smoothest shave possible. Also, you should learn how to hold the blade at the proper angle. If it is too steep, you may get cut. [Note from Mantic59: HERE is an article and video that may help with getting the right angle.] It is best to begin at your sideburns, hold your skin taut, and go in a downward motion with a short and even stroke. In between each pass, you should rinse the blade as well. When you have finished shaving, you should splash cool water on your face to tighten your pores and use a moisturizer on your skin. When first starting out with straight razor shaving, do not attempt to go against the grain until you get some practice under your belt.
3. Can Be Tested and Used Gently
Since a straight razor is quite sharp, you may be wary to use one. Also, you may be intimidated to use it over a large portion of your face. However, it is possible to use a gentle hand and to test your shaving technique on a small surface before you head for your neckline. After you get used to the feeling of a straight razor in your hand, you will master the control and find that it is easy to use on your entire face.
4. Enjoyable Shaving Experience
Shaving should be an enjoyable task. However, if you are like most men, you may rush through it each day. Whether you are in a hurry to get to work or just want to get out of the bathroom as quickly as possible, enjoying your shaving routine is rarely possible. By using a straight razor, you can concentrate on the preparation and the exciting journey of wet shaving.
Shaving should be more than chopping off unwanted facial hair. It should help you relax and appreciate the art that has spanned generations. Your face should be warm and moist. Also, it is best to apply pre-shave oil, which offers protection and acts as an antiseptic before the blade hits your skin. When you apply a shaving lather, you should use a good brush that lifts your hair follicles, exfoliates, and produces a thick lather. In many ways, this is the luxurious part of shaving that most men miss.
5. Generations of Men Have Used Straight Razors
The straight razor has roots in the Middle Ages. This tool has a rich tradition that cannot compare to a disposable razor. The modern straight razor was introduced in the 1880s. It was probably your grandfather’s and his father’s shaving tool. For generations, men have appreciated the close shave that this type of razor provides. Today, disposable razors are quite common, but more and more men are returning to straight razors. They are either using tools that have been passed down or are purchasing pieces that can become family heirlooms. Embracing the history of the straight razor will make shaving a more rewarding experience. It is an activity that has pre-dated the Ice Age and will continue. After trying a straight razor, you are sure to be amazed at how different your face feels. When your face feels good, your attitude improves as well. Instead of being afraid of shaving with this type of razor, you should embrace the history and the smooth results.
Shaving is an important part of your grooming routine. The next time you reach for a razor, skip the disposables that can hurt your face. Instead, do no be afraid to try a straight razor. Although you may be scared that you will cut yourself, this type of razor will deliver a smooth shave that makes you look your best. You will be left with less irritation and be able to savor the experience of shaving. Start slow and get the feel for the razor. In no time, the process will become one of the most enjoyable parts of your day. Men have been shaving for centuries, and straight razors have a rich history. Now, you can become part of this history and pass the art of wet shaving onto your children and grandchildren. Life is too short to be afraid to try new things. Renew your shaving ritual and never look back.
Author Bio: Sean Mason is the creative director at Original Shave Company, an online wet shaving organization based in Los Angeles, CA offering high quality shaving essentials. Providing educating for new and seasoned wet shaving connoisseurs on how to achieve a better shave, their company mission is simple and straightforward. Original Shave Company provides the tools and strategy to transform mundane shaving routines into a refreshing new journey you will enjoy for many years to come. For luxury brands like Feather, BAUME.BE, Edwin Jagger and many more, visit Original Shave Company.